Pounds and Ounces Math Calculator
If you are making a batch comprised of items which are in pounds and ounces, this calculator facilitates adding them all together, multiplying quantities per item if specified, yielding the total pounds and ounces required.
Related: Water to Plaster Ratio, Glaze Batch Calculator
Pounds and Ounces Calculator - Entry Fields
You can specify items for two distinct material types. The calculator will provide total pounds and ounces for each material.
Material Name - This field is required if you enter at least one item for it.
Item Name - Use this field to enter what the material is being used for. This is helpful if using as a work order. Each item must have a unique name.
Pounds and Ounces - Enter the amount of material needed for this item, in pounds and ounces.
Quantity - If making multiples of your item, enter the quantity in this field. The total pounds and ounces needed will be calculated by multiplying quantity by the amount needed for a single unit. This is referred to on the calculated chart as extended pounds and ounces. Extended values are shown in both pounds and ounces, as well as total ounces.
Operator - Abbreviated as Oper. on the form. This is the math operation to perform on the next item: add, which displays as the + sign, or subtract, displaying as - sign. The default is to Add pounds and ounces. Note that the last row does not have this field, as no item follows it.
About Pounds and Ounces Math Calculator
This is not your usual convert pounds to ounces or vice versa calculator. This calculator is for those who need to add (or occasionally subtract) pounds and ounces for a group of items together to yield the total amount of a given material needed.
An example is if you are producing a variety of wheel thrown clay pieces and, from past experience, you know how much clay you need for each piece: 1/2 pound (8 ounces) for teacups, 1.5 pound for small bowls. And, you want to make 6 teacups, 3 small bowls. Easily calculate the total amount of clay you need by inputting these 2 items, and the Pound and Ounce Math Calculator will instantly indicate how much clay to weigh out. In this example: 7 pounds, 8 ounces.
How are Pounds and Ounces Added?
There are 16 ounces in 1 pound. When representing pounds and ounces together, the ounces should be 15 or less. When ounces become 16 or more, the 16 ounces is converted to a pound, and subtracted from ounces. So if you have 18 ounces, that's 1 pound 2 ounces. If you have 36 ounces, that 2 pounds 4 ounces (2 * 16; remainder 4 ounces).
There are two ways to add pounds and ounces. In the first, add up all pounds, and add up all ounces. Then reduce ounces so it is less than or equal to 15; for each reduction of 16 ounces, add 1 to pounds.
For example, say you want to add 2 pounds 11 ounces and 1 pound 8 ounces together. This yields 3 pounds 19 ounces. Since 19 ounces is greater than 15, subtract 16 ounces which carries over to the pounds: we now have 4 pounds 3 ounces.
Another approach is to first convert every item, once extended, to ounces, add them together, yielding total ounces. Finally, convert total ounces to pounds and ounces. First divide by 16 to determine total pounds. The remainder is the ounces.
What Are Extended Pounds and Ounces?
For each item you calculate, you can enter the quantity. The calculator extends the amounts needed, by multiplying quantity by the pounds and ounces you specified. On the calculated chart, Ext # shows the extended pounds, and Ext Oz shows the extended ounces. If quantity is 1 (the default value), the extended values will be the same as the original pounds and ounces. Note also that the Total Ounces on the calculated chart is based on extended pounds and ounces.
Why Would I Want to Subtract Pounds and Ounces?
As a basic math calculator, this calculator provides a subtraction operator, which you can use if needed by your application. For example, if combining multiple items, you typically have a surplus, you might want to subtract out that overage (see Note just below).
Earlier, we outlined two methods for addition. They are the same for subtraction, but the first method tends to be less intuitive. Converting to total ounces first simplifies calculations requiring pounds and ounces subtraction.
Important Note: If your materials are combined based on a ratio, and you opt to subtract, make sure to do so for each material based on its proportion. Calculate the amount of each material before inputting into this calculator.
How Many Ounces Are In a Pound?
There are 16 ounces in 1 Pound.
How Do I Convert From Pounds to Ounces?
To convert from pounds to ounces, multiply the number of pounds by 16.
How Do I Convert From Ounces to Pounds?
To convert from ounces to pounds, do the following:
Divide the number of ounces by 16, since there are 16 ounces per pound. Round down to the closest whole integer.
The remainder after dividing by 16 (above) is the number of ounces.
Example: Convert 90 ounces to Pounds and Ounces. The answer is 5 pounds 10 ounces, calculated as follows:
For pounds, 90 divided by 16 yields 5.625 pounds; Rounded down = 5 pounds.
To calculate the remainder, first subtract off the 5 pounds in ounces: 5 * 16 = 80 ounces. 90 minus 80 ounces = 10 ounces