Glaze Batch Size Calculator
Pottery molds for plates, people and pet bowls, cups...
Calculator converts a glaze recipe formulated in percentages to the actual weight for each ingredient based on the batch size of the glaze to make.
Store your glaze recipes to use with this calculator. More below.
Raw Material List that comprise the base glaze must add up to 100%.
List any additives, such as oxides, in the Colorants section. The sum of Addons is in addition to the formula's 100%. For this reason, batch size is increased by the calculated amount of Colorants. For example, if making a 1000 gram batch size of a glaze with 1.5% additives, the final weight will be 1015 grams.
Raw material must have unique names; Likewise for additives.
Store Glaze Recipe, Use to Calculate Batch
You can store glaze recipes and later retrieve at any time to calculate for the batch size you are making. To do so:
If you're not a member yet, create an account and login.
Go to Your Glaze List page.
Use the Add button to add a new glaze; Or the Edit button to review/change existing.
To calculate a specific batch size for any stored glaze, on the Glze List page, click the Calculate Batch link, just below the name of your glaze.
That routes you to this page, with the glaze's ingredients and additives, and the percent of each, filled in. -
If necessary, you can make adjustmenets to ingredient percentages on this page. However, the changes are for this calculated batch only.
To make the adjustments permanent, return to the glaze list page and edit the glaze. This way, the next time you retrieve it to calculate a batch, the updated formula is used.
At this time, we do not have the option to save the glaze from this page. If that would be useful, please let us know.
More Glaze Calculators
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