Decimal to Percent Calculator
Convert a decimal number to its percentage equivalent, showing two different calculation methods.
About Converting Decimal Number to Percentage
Percent means per one hundred, from the two words per and cent (derived from the latin word centum), and is a convenient way to put inot words a fractional comparison. Converting a percentage to a a decimal number is simple, and then makes discussion more intuitive. For instance, it's easier to to tell someone your investment made 150% as opposed to 1.5%. Not only is 150 percent more impressive, it better represents the magnitude of your gain.
To convert a decimal number to a percentage, simply multiply the number by 100 and add a percent sign to the result.
For example, to convert .10 (or 1/10th), multiply by 100, yielding 10%. To convert .50 (or 5/10th), multiply by 100, yielding 50%. And, to convert the decimal number .05 (or 5/100th), multiply by 100, equialling 5 percent.
Calculating the decimal number corresponding to a percentage number is done by first dropping the percentage sign, and then dividing the number by 100. Some examples:
- Convert Decimal .1 (1/10th) to Percent : .1 * 100 = 10%
- Convert Decimal .5 (5/10th) to Percent : .5 * 100 = 50%
- Convert .05 (5/100th) to Percent : .05 * 100 = 5%
- Convert 5 to Percent : 5 * 100 = 500%
There's a second method for converting decimal to percent. Move the decimal to the right by two places, and then add the percent sign. If there is no decimal place, place it at the end of the number. Also, pad the number with 1 to 2 zeros to the right of the decimal, if needed.
Example: Convert decimal number .1 to percent
- Add 1 zero to the right of the 1: .1 = .10
- Now, move the decimal two places to the right: .10 = 10
- Finally, add the percent sign: 10 = 10%
Example: Convert number 5 to its percentage value.
- Add a decimal to the end of 5: 5 = 5.
- Add 2 zeroes to to the right of 5.: 5. = 5.00
- Now, move the decimal two places to the right: 5.00 = 500
- Finally, add the percent sign: 500 = 500%
With this method, padding with 1 to 2 zeroes is only necessary if there are not at least 2 numbers following the decimal. As seen in the first example, we padded with 1 zero; In the second, with 2 zeroes.